Saturday, 5 January 2019

Viral encephalitis and Herpes zoster. Symptoms, treatment etc.

Viral encephalitis and Herpes zoster. Symptoms, treatment etc.

Viral encephalitis:-

Brain Cortex, white mater, basal ganglia, brainstem, etc. are affected by various viruses. Often this disease is attacked by yellow fever, rabies, germs etc. These viruses are sometimes attacked after the spring (pox) disease. Moreover, due to virus attack, it can be seen suddenly.

Symptoms :-

Various variations of symptoms may appear to attack different viruses.

  • One type of disease, the movement of the eyeball becomes blocked. With headache, fever (102 - 104  degree) etc. If the patient becomes unconscious, or lethargies and comatose , then it is a bad symptoms.
  • Sometimes there may be paralysis in many parts of the body. Sometimes it is attacked suddenly and It seems to be a polio disease. But it gradually becomes better automatically.
  • At first, the polymorph in the CS (Cerebrospinal) fluid, and subsequently increased lymphocytes.
  • If the muscle is affected due to breathing and tiredness, then the life is endangered. So we have to look at this and If necessary, the patient will have to make an artificial respiration in hospital.
  • The patient jumped.  In the end, signs of sinus appear. CS ( Cerebrospinal ) fluid pressure decreases. Then lumbar puncture is necessary.
  • If this disease is associated with rabies then So the patient does not live much. But some deformity may have a whole life.


  • If the pressure of the CS fluid is increased, then the lumbar puncture is needed.
  • There is no specific treatment for viral disease, so treatment is done according to diseases or symptoms.
  • An artificial arrangement is needed for swallowing or breathing.
  • Many times it is epidemic and it causes many children and adolescents to die.

 Herpes zoster:-

posterior root ganglia are affected by various viruses. In areas where the nerve supply goes, the diseases of the region are found in the diseases.
This bacterium is very similar to chicken pox. Once again, after spring of water it is also the disease. Sometimes this virus attacks the brain and can cause encephalitis.

Symptoms :-

  • There is constant pain on the nerves route.
  • After two or three days the skin of the region was attacked. The outburst  started to grow in the skin. These outbursts become better after two-three days. Small stains are made. These outburst are painless.
  • Many times this is Corneal ulcer. Sight strong decreases or The sight may be lost.
  • This disease is better than automatically. But sometimes older people may have neurologia from this disease. Sometimes the muscles are attacked and those muscles continue getting eroded. Eroded is not longer. After some days, some muscles become thin and it is cleaned.
  • Often, auditory nerves can lead to deafness.

According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my won Viral encephalitis and Herpes zoster article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all encephalitis and Herpes zoster.

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