Friday, 4 January 2019

sunstroke and Heatstroke

sunstroke and Heatstroke

In many places in India or world, the hot winds are sometimes flowing in the summer. This hot air flow is called Lu.

If this super-hot air is in the body, or if it travels long in the hot summer sun, it can be seen from this disease.
In addition to steam engines, furnace in the factory, large oats, etc., if there is long time in summer or it works for longer periods, then this disease can be seen. If this disease is not instant  treated, it can be very bad, and this can result in the patient's death.
If there is always a history of so hot and with this symptom, it is definitely necessary to arrange instant appropriate medical treatment.


  • Strong dizziness or headache. 
  • Heavy pain in the top of the abdomen.
  • Nausea or Suddenly vomiting.
  • Sometimes or the situation of collapse may occur.
  • It is seen from excessive weakness and unconsciousness see this disease.
  • The result of this disease is sometimes dyspnoea.
  • Vision energy comes in diminished and Becomes obscure in vision.
  • Swoon with the deep sound of the nose.
  • Urine disease or Suffocation.
  • Never seen convolutions or convolutions.
  • The body may increase heat. Even 107 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit can be body heat.
  • In this situation, the speed of the nerves is fast and Nerve jumps with him.
  • The body's Fickleness and different thoughts can be seen.
  • The tongue Throat is dry and Become vomiting and unconscious.
  • Pupil shrinks.

Complicated Symptoms:- 

The disease is very difficult, and life can endanger if it is not treated immediately.

Suddenly the breath stopped, headache,  Seeing the darkness in the eyes, vomiting, convulsion, unconscious And until death. So in the summer, if the patient is unconscious, then it is considered to be sunstroke or heatstroke and should be treated properly for him.

Ancillary arrangements:-

Remove from sunrise or heat place to transfer  shady place. Where there is plenty of air. The crowd will removed,  if the is crowded.
Used cold water and ice, should be given to reduce heat loss. The wind will be loud.
If the patient is cured a lot then he has to sleep.
Always keep an eye on the heart pulse.
The patient will have to rest in a quiet and cool room.
It should always be seen that stomach is not empty to go.
Liquid diet should be given in the condition of the disease.
Due to excessive heat, cloth should be used in white colour  and should be used umbrella on the head. It is better to eat a little salt if sweat is more.
And according to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

Used medicine:-

Saline with glucose 10% or iv.
Glucose 10cc/20cc iv.
Mephentine (10 mg) Injection.
Coramine injection.
Adrenaline in oil for Injection.
Largactil Tablet.
Sequil Tablet.
Calmpose Tablet.

According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my won sunstroke and Heatstroke article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all sunstroke and Heatstroke.

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