Sunday, 30 December 2018

Vitamins 'A'

Vitamins 'A'

Generally, there are more vitamins in tomatoes, beats, spinach, carrots, red potatoes, cauliflower, cabbage, meat and fats.This vitamin is not usually wasted in cooking.But cooking in open containers could be wasted .Therefore, it is the duty to cover the pot during cooking.

All that disease, Vitamin A is due to the absence of  'A' :-

Those who eat less than fish, eggs, ghee and fat, they have Vitamin 'A' deficiency diseases.
The main thing among these diseases is that-

Xerophthalmia or Eye inflammation, Night blindness, Decreased body resistance or susceptibility to infection,Body skin and internal membrane erosion or Weakness, The decrease of children's flux and their bones are not well-formed.

Symptoms :-

1. Symptoms of Xerophthalmia and Keratomalacia symptoms of visceral inflammation, vision strength weakness, decreased sight loss, etc. It is a sign of evil disease.

2. If night blindness reduces the need for retinal pigmentation. As a result, can not see the eye at night.Moreover, sometimes the colour blindness can be. As a result, it does not recognize what colour it is.

3. To reduce the resistance to the body, the tendency to suddenly become cold or suffer from various diseases.

Complex symptoms :-

1. For the lack of these vitamins, suddenly, due to various difficult diseases, there can be many complex conditions.

2. Lack of Vitamin 'A' for a long time may have become blind for him forever.

Diagnosis :-

1. Hands, feet, and body bursting, Drying the skin, hair rise, Body decay Disease can be detected by showing symptoms.

2. Sight A specific signs of a sudden decrease in age.

3. Specific signs not seen at night or night blindness.

What measures can be taken if a person suffers from vitamin A deficiency?

1. Suitable treatment for symptoms of other diseases or for diseases if it is a disease.

2. Rui fish, hilsa fish, cod liver oil, according to age. Foods like authentic ghee or butter etc. are beneficial.

Used medicines :-

  1. Aquasol A CAPSULE
  2. Aquasol injcetion
  3. Prepal capsule
  4. Prepalin injection
  5. Arovit tablet
  6. Arovit in jection

 according to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my Vitamins 'A' of disease article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all Vitamins 'A'.

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