Saturday, 19 January 2019

Circulation of Blood and Pulse Rate

Circulation of Blood and Pulse Rate

Circulation of Blood:-

What is the relation between the heart and blood vessels and How blood circulation works, it is fully understood that if you have acquired knowledge about blood transfusion. 
The purified blood from the left ventricle spreads to the body with half - round arota (the main artery). From there the main two veins, respectively, through the superior vena cava, the impure blood returns to the end right atrium. Blood dropped from south atrium to south ventricle. From there the blood pump goes into the lungs, via pulmonary artery. After lung blood transfusion, blood becomes clear. From there the cleansed blood  it comes down to the left atrium with the pulmonary vein. Then This pure blood then comes down from left atrium to left ventricle, via valve. Again it is transported to the hole body via with arota.
Blood thus spread out of the heart through the whole body and then came back again. As long as a person lives, this continues.

This cycle is about - left atrium ➡ artery ➡ vein ➡ right atrium ➡ right ventricale ➡ Lungs and artery ➡ lungs ➡ lungs and vein ➡ left atrium ➡ left ventricale.

When two atrium is contracted, the blood falls into the ventricale. At that time, there was a kind of sound. This sound is called lub. When the blood is transplanted into the body, then there are other types of sounds, This sound called dub. These two types of sounds we hear stethoscope in the heart.

Pulse Rate:-

According to the heart beat, we can know the condition of heart through any major arterial pressure. In a healthy body, the heart sends blood to the whole body 72 - 80 times per minute. So we see the pulse rate 72 - 80 times per minute.There is more pulse rate in childhood and Pulse rate decreases in old age.
Pulse rate after birth was 130 - 140 times per minute.
Teenage pulse rate is 100 - 120 times per minute.Youth pulse rate is 72 - 80 times per minute.Pulse rate in old age is 60 - 72 times per minute.

According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my won Circulation of Blood and Pulse Rate article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all HCirculation of Blood and Pulse Rate. THANKYOU

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis or Exophthalmic Goitre

Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis or Exophthalmic Goitre:-


If the thyroid gland is Extreme growth on both sides of the throat, then it is called Hyper Thyroid or Thyrotoxicosis or Exophthalmic Goitre.
If this disease is beneficial in feeding the patient, iodine or iodine mixed water. It is understood from the fact that if the action of this gland is higher, the body decreases iodine and the disease increases. Thyroid gland works in the metabolism of iodine. 
Again, if the patient is fed a lot of iodine, then the growth and incidence of this gland decreases. But until that fixed day. When iodine is stopped feeding, it is seen that the excess iodine is gradually going out from body and the growth of the gland is increasing. 
Now let's see what is the symptoms of disease or exophthalmic goitre disease for the excessive growth of Thyroid gland.


Thyroid gland increases in the throat, and it swollen upwards on both sides.
The eyes look very big. Eyeball seems to be coming out of the eye. 
The body feels weak and the hands or feet are trembling when working.
The speed of the nerve is faster, and consequently it is difficult to do any hard work.
Hunger is growing, but weight decreases .
The mood is irritated, and does not want to work in the mind.
Occasionally, for the excessively increase of the gland, inflammation can occur.

Used medicines:-

  1. Neo mercazole Tablet.
  2. Monocef-O Tablet.
  3. Taxim-O Tablet.
  4. Mega cv Tablet.
  5. Clavam Tablet.
  6. Iodine with water.
  7. Iodine Injection.

Special note:-

It should always be kept in mind, so that medicines are not given without proper diagnosis. 
This is because these medicines have special functions, which always reduces thyroid gland work. So if give wrong medicines, then the patient may have many problems.
Children's diseases such as scrofula may also increase the throat gland in the same way. The salivary gland is swollen with mumps disease. Nephrotic syndrome may also cause throat swelling. So for the diagnosis of the correct disease, Iodine injection will see if the disease decreases. Then it can be understood that it is a Extreme growth disease of thyroid.
The toxic action that occurs when the drug is given in excess of this disease. Like - sore throat, Nausea or vomiting, pyrexia or fever. Outburst on the skin.

According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my won Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis or Exophthalmic Goitre article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all Hyperthyroidism or Thyrotoxicosis or Exophthalmic Goitre. THANKYOU.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019




It is not right to call syncope a disease. It can be called the symptoms of various diseases. If you suffer from heart disease, epilepsy, etc. you may be syncope.
Again many times the body is due to excessive bloodshed, excessive weakness, trauma, intense heat, etc. then maybe syncope. It is possible to become syncope due to the presence of toxic substances in the body. And there are many more reasons to be syncope.


If no disease is due to syncope and if there is syncope due to nervous injuries, bleeding, hot, sunlight etc., then dizziness, headache Etc. Are seen.
With it Weakness, There is some cold feeling in the hands and feet, unsteadiness, Nausea, Expansion of the retina, unrest, etc. symptoms are seen.
The heart is weak.
The nerve is faster and slim. Then the body's weakness is understood.
If patient  do not get pure air with oxygen, then the patient's life becomes very vulnerable.
Many times breathing is diminished.


Many times syncope is  symptoms of cerebral or cardiac thrombosis. Then the patient's life becomes alarming.
Sometimes due to mourning and sorrow, it attacks the heart. So it is the duty to be careful.
Many times it may cause paralysis.
Many times there is cerebral anemia And consequently the life fears may occur.


If syncope is accidental, instantly Smelling salts or amyl nitrate is sniffing. Pour water on the head and have to give a flutter in the face. If it is hot, then you have to open clothes, The water will be poured on and The air will pour loudly. If the body is weak and has anemia, then inject Calcium with Vitamin 'C' (injection) or glucose (injection) and the body improves. In the initial stage of health improvements And it is not seen. For that disease is syncope, If the disease is to syncope, it will be treated.

Ancillary arrangements :-

Fresh nutritious food will be eaten regularly. If there is a mental reason, then you will try to bring back the mind from mourning - sorrow. If  need to go abroad, like As relatives would have to go home. Expert doctors should be seen if it is due to cerebral anemia, cardiac thrombosis etc.

used medicine:-

  1. amyl nitrate
  2. Calcium with Vitamin 'C' Injection.
  3. Glucose Injection.

According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my won Syncope article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all Syncope. THANKYOU.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Cretinism and myxedema

Cretinism and myxedema:-

There are two lobes of thyroid gland on both sides of the throat and in the middle it is connected with the isthmus. Their job is to emit thyroxin hormones.
This hormone is very essential for the body's nutrition, growth, hair structure, intelligence, etc. Lowering thyroxin hormone in the body of the children leads to their cretinism disease. And myxoedema diseases are less likely to emanate thyroixn hormone in the body of the girls.


In the body of the children in congenital way, If the thyroid gland is low in work then this disease. Moreover, it is often seen that it does not work properly due to the structure of the body.


  1. The body, hands, feet of the skin become raucous.
  2. The body becomes like a Flabby.
  3. The body type is of short form. Generally, the child is very short and his body is not tall enough even if he is older.
  4. The stomach is thicker and Lean towards the front. Its called pot bellied body.
  5. Intellect is not well developed.
  6. Even if the age increases, the man is short and the fool is stupid.
  7. Head hair is not well formed. Head hair often is less.

Used medicine:-

  1. Thyroid Tablet.
  2. Eltroxin Tablet.
  3. Orozine Tablet.
  4. Proloid Tablet.
  5. Incretone Syrup.



    This disease is caused by the lower thyroid gland function. This is the disease of women.


    The girls' formation is not right. They are a bit shorter than usual.
    The body, hands, feet of the skin become raucous. Even if you massaged the oil, The body does not go raucous look.
    Using various expensive medicines, but The hair has to be lost.
    The girls face swells and face puffiness are seen.
    Women's mental impatience comes and their intellect is not well developed.
    Sometimes pituitary gland and sex gland etc. Gland is not exactly work disease becomes more complex. Often, many of the men have noticed symptoms of multiple glands.

    Used medicine:-

    1.  Eltroxin Tablet.
    2. Thyroid Tablet.
    3. Orozine Tablet.
    4. Proloid Tablet.
    5. Incretone Tablet. 

    According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

    So guys this is my won Cretinism and myxedema article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all Cretinism and myxedema. THANKYOU.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

brain and eye

brain and eye:-


The brain is the capital of human body. The brain is the center of all the feelings, philosophy, listening, vibrations, thinking and intellect. The feeling carried by all the nerves of the body ends here. Feel the brain and send appropriate instructions. Usually three parts in the brain.
1. Fore brain, Which is the brain above.
2. Mid brain, Which mainly connector.
3. Hind brain, Which is mainly made by cerebellum and medulla. The spinal cord is then attached to the brain. Which descends down the body through the spinal cord. This spinal cord comes out of numerous nerves. And it spreads like water in the body. A person's adult brain weight is about 1340 gram for men and 1200 gram for women's. As the age increases, the weight of the brain decreases every year. It is 2.5 gram in men and 2.2 gram in women.
Nerves that tell messages from different parts of the body such as the eyes, ears, nostrils, etc., say to them motor nerve. Cerebellum protects body balance. There are different centers for different brain work. Like center of Philosophy, Scent center, Hearing center. It is a very complex matter to know where the brain works.


Eyeballs in the round hole between the mouth and bone. We only see the front part. The optical nerve is attached to the back of this sphere. It is connected with the brain. The three screens cover the eyes. The thick outer cover of this is the sclera. It's white colored and very hard. In front it is transparent white. It is called cornea. The small round hole in the cornea is called pupil.
A cover called choroid that contains in sclera. There are numerous blood vessel nets. There is a retina formed by numerous nervous system inside him.
The choroid has ended in the  portion of the round, thats called  cilliary body. The ciliary body contains iris screen. A lens on the back side of Iris. It is bound by a ligament. The light goes with the lens on the retina, From there the light is carried out by optic nerve and Feelings going to brain. So we can see.
There are two Sensitive lacrimal glands above and below the sphere of the eye. If there is happiness, sadness or any disease, then more water than this gland. When the eyes become dry, the water comes out and the eyes keep moist and Slippery. The water that comes in the vas, They say lacrimal ducts. This vas comes out of tears.

According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my won brain and eye article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all brain and eye. THANKYOU.

Saturday, 12 January 2019



This is a disease (Abscess), so that the bartholin gland becomes one or two swollen. There is inflammation in it. Many times it gets pus and severe pain.


It is in the attack of various pyogenic germs. Like staphylococcus, streptococcus etc.
There may also be attacks from b. coli germs.
This may be due to the attack of gonococcus bacteria.
It can be from vaginal inflammation.


The pain in the gland, and it swells, sometimes the pain is too much.
Sometimes it is like polypus in that part, and pus can be stored.
There may be little fever. Like 98 degrees  Fahrenheit to 102 degrees Fahrenheit.
The groin can swell.
Many times it is difficult to walk etc.
Breathing speed increased and heart beat increase spontaneously.
It may also be an infection in the same way as the labia minora.
Sometimes it is ripe, and it gets out of the pus.
There was a hole in that place. Many times, if the treatment is not properly treated, then it becomes septic and some time, Difficult or complex symptoms etc. are arise. So immediately with the treatment recommended.

Ancillary arrangements:-

Lying dawn in bed will take full rest.
Alkalis and water will eat more.
Antibiotics, penicillin, tetracycline drugs or injection will continue with him.
That injure place should be kept clean and regularly washed with antiseptic medicines.
foment with boric cotton or Spatial compress are beneficial.
If the burst, then 2% mercurochrome cotton should be put in place and it is very beneficial.
If the pus is high or no cracking, then small operations are needed.

Used medicines:-

  1. Alkali
  2. Abbopen (fm) Injection.
  3. Procaine Injection.
  4. Peniben Injection.
  5. Bipen vet 40 Injection.
  6. Difen g Injection.
  7. Monocef Injection.
  8. Taxim Injection.
  9. Xone Injection.
  10. Abbopen (fm) Tablet.
  11. Procainr Tablet.
  12. Peniben Tablet.
  13. Bipen vet 40 Tablet.
  14. Difen G Tablet.
  15. Monocef-O Tablet.
  16. Taxim-O Tablet.
  17. Xone-O Tablet.
  18. Dettol liquid.
  19. Savlon liquid.
  20. Dressin Ointment.
  21. Betadine Ointment.
  22. Metrogyl Ointment.
  23. Boric cotton.
  24. 2% mercurochrome cotton.

According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my won Abscess article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all Abscess. THANKYOU.

Friday, 11 January 2019



By seeing Scrofula disease, many people have suddenly mistakenly say that increased the gland. But Scrofula is a separate disease. The main reason for Scrofula disease is Cox Bacillus. It is mostly in the body of children from Tuberculosis disease. The lymph glands swollen with armpit, throat, etc. 
Throat gland is most commonly seen in swelling. In the first case, many people can make the disease also known as plague But the real disease is understood after Diagnosis. Tuberculosis germs enter the body of the child Then this disease begins.


Glands swollen with armpit, throat, etc. The gland turns red and rubs him.
Sometimes there are wounds in the place of chest, stomach and nose.
The patient has fever around the afternoon and there is no fever in the morning.
The patient gradually became weak.
In many cases this can lead to lung tuberculosis.
In many cases the glands are ripe and burst. As a result, There are wounds in those places. But it is not a deadly.
Many times, The elderly are infected with t.b disease. That is why this happens.
Many times it is treated with a little treatment but later it can be seen in Tuberculosis due to a higher age or youth. Therefore, the first condition of this disease is to treat the children in full condition.
Many times he may get a lot of pain due to big wounds.
If the thyroid increases, then only the thyroid gland swells, another gland is not swealing. But if scrofula, many glands swollen.
If the increase thyroid but decreases in iodine. But scrofula does not decrease in it.
The difference with the plague is that - The plague is bubo and is strong in all the texts but it is not on scrofula.
pneumonia, etc., the patient's life is endangered but it is not on scrofula.

Ancillary arrangements :-

Cod liver oil is better to eat after eating in 2 time.
To eat milk, fish, egg, meat, fruits, etc. regularly.
Excessive spicy foods are excluded.
every day massage of cod liver oil is very beneficial in the body.

Used medicines:-

  •  Dihydronex Injection.
  • Comycin S Injection.
  • Streptomycin Sulph Injection.
  • Ambistin S Injection.
  • Streptonex Injection.
  • Inapas Tablet.
  • Inapas Granule.
  • Iso Benzacyl Tablet.
  • Neo P.A.C Tablet.
  • Pasonex S Tablet.
  • Sodium P.A.S with INH & 'B1' Tablet.
  • Tribizide with Calamine P.A.S & Vitamin 'B' Tablet.
  • Bistapen Injection.
  • Combiotic Injection.
  • Crystamycin Injection.
  • Dicrysticin Jnjection.
  • Tetracycline Capsule.
  • Calcium with Vitamin 'C' Injection.
  • Caliostelin Injection.
  • Calciostelin with Vitamin 'B12' Injection.
  • Collocal D with Vitamin 'B12' Injection.
  • Macalvit Injection.
  • Calcium Tablet.
  • Calcium D Redoxon Tablet.
  • Calcinal Tablet.
  • Ostocalcium Tablet.
  • Ostocalcium with 'B12' Tablet.
  • Macalvit Syrup.

According to the symptoms, other treatments need to be done.

So guys this is my won Scrofula article. I hope you find our article helpful for you. Please do share and comment your thought about this all Scrofula. THANKYOU.